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Daily Batch Delivery


Batch is a daily process that puts a file on the MYMOVE SFTP server. This file will follow the RFC 4180 standard and will be available for retrieval by 5AM EST.

Please provide the following information to MYMOVE in order to get started:

File Layout

The number of fields sent will vary by partner, but they will always be named according to our standard convention. The file will be named according to the date. As an example, a file name may be: mymove_20171004175300.csv.pgp.

Field Type
offer_id string
created_at time RFC3339
first_name string
last_name string
email string
move_date time RFC3339
new_address_housing_tenure string
new_address_line_1 string
new_address_line_2 string
new_address_city string
new_address_state string
new_address_postal_code string
new_address_postal_code_plus4 string

Example File

Header and two rows

"10000","2017-10-04T15:49:54Z","John","Smith","","2017-10-04T00:00:00Z","own","123 Main St.","Apt. 1","Charlotte","NC","28203","0000"
"10000","2017-10-04T16:52:32Z","Jane","Doe","","2017-10-04T00:00:00Z","rent","124 Main St.","Apt. 16","Fort Mill","SC","29715","0000"

Frequently Asked Questions

When will my file be delivered?

We guarantee file delivery by 5AM EST.

What time zone are times listed in?

We use the RFC3339 Standard as the layout for our timestamps. The timezone will be identified after the Z character, often spoken Zulu, as an offset from UTC time. If there is no Z character, or a Z character with no suffix, the time is in UTC.

What happens if I cannot connect to the MYMOVE SFTP server?

If you cannot connect, please notify your MYMOVE contact immediately.

How often does MYMOVE change the password or SSH keys for my SFTP account?

MYMOVE has a standard security practice which requires us to change the keys and passwords once a year.

Does my file have to be encrypted?

Yes, your file must be encrypted using PGP. We require that your PGP key have sub keys in order to make expiration, and revokation easier.

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