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Welcome to the MYMOVE documentation center. This is where we keep all of the information necessary to get a partner up and running on our digital platform.

On the left you can find links to documentation to each of our services: Partner API Retrieval and Daily Batch Delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What timezone are times returned in?

We use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as our default timezone. All times are sent and displayed in UTC.

Why do we receive leads with move dates over a year away?

We allow Movers to set a move date of up to 2 years into the future.

Leads API - Why am I seeing leads with a created date outside of the time frame I submitted?

The created_at field shows when someone came through our site originally. They are able to Return To Site (RTS) within 30 days to select your offer. Despite created_at returning the date in which the user came through our site, the timeframe you submit queries by the date that your offer was selected by the user. The reasoning for this is that an RTS user selecting your offer would most likely not be returned by your query were you to submit it days later. Additionally, we return the created_at date of when the user originally came through the site because that is the relevant piece of information.

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